Kay is one of our Account Administrators and part of our Accounts Team. She’s a graceful, soft person with a passion for travelling and will be responsible for getting in touch with you for payment and finance-related matters.
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Kay is one of our Account Administrators and part of our Accounts Team. She’s a graceful, soft person with a passion for travelling and will be responsible for getting in touch with you for payment and finance-related matters.
Navigating PRINCE2 7th Edition: Key Changes and Additions PRINCE2, the renowned project management methodology, has evolved with the release of its 7th edition. This update brings some enhancements and additions to align with contemporary project management practices, emphasising the integration of people, sustainability, and digital management. Here’s a detailed look at the key changes and…
Understand the value of PRINCE2® Online courses as they relate to project manement careers and know the best courses available for project agement education.
PRINCE2 and Agile myths to finally let go off to understand what the value of PRINCE2 and Agile is
Learn about the differences between two popular project management methodologies – PRINCE2® Agile vs PRINCE2®